Get to Know Medicare to Make an Empowered Plan Choice
Tips and resources to help you navigate the Medicare annual enrollment process and select a plan to meet your needs. Read more.
Understanding Medicare Advantage
As October 15 nears and the start of AEP, seniors will have many questions regarding Medicare plans. Here’s valuable info on the difference between MA, original Medicare, and MedSupp (or Medigap) plans. Read more.
Online Medicare Excellence – Podcast with Grant Hoffman, EVP, ConnectureDRX
ConnectureDRX Executive VP Grant Hoffman gives us a fascinating overview of the 2021 Medicare enrollment atmosphere from the perspective of the oldest and biggest online enrollment expert. Covid-19 has increased underlying demand for digital enrollment. But more...
A Decade Marked by Outrage Over Drug Prices
Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., was in the middle of describing drug price gouging as a scheme to enrich a few industry executives at the expense of everyday patients when he stopped to reprimand a witness. “It’s not funny, Mr. Shkreli,” said Cummings,...